Secretariat Address, April 2007 - March 2009
Tokyo Gakugei University
Director: Keiji MATSUDA
Associate Professor,
Art and Sports Science Division,
Tokyo Gakugei University
TEL/FAX : +81-(0)42-329-7643
e-mail :
How to Apply for Membership
- Write to the Secretariat at the above address requesting an application form.
- Fill in the form and return it. If applying from within Japan, pay the current
year's dues using the Postal Money-Transfer Slip (Yubin Furikae) enclosed with the application
form, or transfer the funds to the bank account listed below.
From outside Japan, please include a money order or international postal order in JAPANESE YEN. Annual dues
Full members: \7,000
Student members: \4,000 Postal giro account
Number: 00390-0-43962
Name: Nihon Supotsu Shakaigakkai Jimukyoku Bank account
Bank: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Kokubunji Branch
Name: Nihon Supotsu Shakaigakkai, Daihyou, Matsuda Keiji
Number: 2014779 - Applicants will be formally registered as new members after the payment of dues
has been confirmed and ratification by the board of directors. New members will receive
the current issue of the Society's journal, the Japan Journal of Sport Sociology,
and the latest Bulletin of the Society, and will be eligible to contribute to these publications.
Purchasing Back Issues of the Japan Journal of Sport Sociology
Back issues of the Japan Journal of Sport Sociology may be purchased
at the following prices, when available.
Vol. 1 (1993): out of print
Vol. 2 (1994): out of print
Vol. 3 (1995): \2,000 (few copies still available)
Vol. 4 (1996): \1,995 (\1,596 for members)
Vol. 5 (1997): \1,995 (\1,596 for members)
Vol. 6 (1998): \1,995 (\1,596 for members)
Vol. 7 (1999): \1,995 (\1,596 for members)
Vol. 8 (2000): \1,995 (\1,596 for members)
Vol. 9 (2001): \1,995 (\1,596 for members)
Vol. 10 (2002): \1,995 (\1,596 for members)
Vol. 11 (2003): \1,995 (\1,596 for members)
Vol. 12 (2004): \1,995 (\1,596 for members)
Vol. 13 (2005): \1,995 (\1,596 for members)
Vol. 14 (2006): \1,995 (\1,596 for members)
Vol. 15 (2007): \1,995 (\1,596 for members)
Method of payment is the same as for membership dues above.
The requested issue will be sent upon reception of payment.
Subscriptions are also available for libraries and schools.
Volumes 4 and 5 are available from the Hosei University Press.