JJSS (vol.5)

Special Contributions
ITO Kimio, YAMASHITA Takayuki, KIKU Koichi and YOSHIMI Syunya
Special Topic: Theoretical Possibilities for the Sociology of Sports

Lu Yuanzhen
The Historical Mission of the Sociological Study of Physical Education and Sports in China
Jay R. and Joan D. Mandle
Understanding Contemporary Sports

Articles Shigetoshi Asakawa
SUMO-society from the Viewpoint of Network: The Expanding Network of 'Tanimachi'

Masaharu Hashimoto
A Study on 'TV-sport' Focusing on the Field of Production of TV-sports programs: TV-sports as Pseudo Conflict

Research Notes
Satoru Masui
Allowing the Bicycle's Drafting Rule in Triathlon : The Influence of Commercialism

Hye-Ja Kim, Reiko Tanaka and Shogo Esashi
Changed Environment Surrounding Sports-related Activities in Korea

Review of Books
Janet Lever: Soccer Madness

S. Tsuganezawa, et al.: Media Events in Modern Japan