6th Annual Conference, March 26-28, 1997

Ritsumeikan University

Workshop Session 1:
"How Sport Can Change Asia: The First Asian-Hosted World Cup"

Ichiro Sayama (sport commentator/editor, Japan),
"Soccer: Bitter Reflections on the Limitations and Possibilities of Japanese Society"

John Horne (Mory House Institute, Heriot-Watt University, U. K.),
"Globalization and Football"

Nobuhiko Nakajima (Tohoku University, Japan),
"Soccer and Japanese Local Communities"

Jong-Young Lee (Korean National University of Physical Education, Korea),
"World-Cup Co-hosting and Korean Society"

Workshop Session 2:
"Sport Culture and the Transformation of Modern Society"

Jacques Defrance and Christian H. Pociello (University of Paris, Sud-Orsay, France),
"Structure and Evolution of the Field of Sports in France (1960-1990):
A 'functional,' historical and prospective analytical essay"

Janet C. Harris (University of North Carolina at Greensboro, U. S. A.),
"American Engrossment with American Sports:
Stability at the Center of an Athletic Vortex"

Atsuo Sugimoto (Kyoto University of Education, Japan),
"Transformation of the Consumer Society and Sport Culture in Japan"

Richard Gruneau (Simon Fraser University, Canada),
"Canadian Sport in the Society of the Spectacle"

Workshop Session 3:
"Sport and Power in Modern Society"

Soon Hee Whang (Tsukuba University, Japan),
"Body Image and Symbolic Power"

Alan Tomlinson (University of Brighton, U. K.),
"Power Resistance and Sport: Perspectives from British Cultural Studies"

Satoshi Shimizu (Tsukuba University, Japan),
"A Program on the Microphysics of Power: Gymnastic Exercise as Tools"

Jacques DeFrance (University of Paris Sud-Orsay, France),
"How to Interpret the Transformation of Sport Practices"

Kimio Ito (Osaka University, Japan),
"Masculinity and Modern Sports"

"Sports and the Formation of the Modern Nation-State"

Burn-Jang Lim (Seoul National University, Korea),
"Sport and the Modernization of Korean Society"

Henning Eichberg (Idraetsforsk= Research Institute of Sport, Body and Culture, Denmark),
"The National, the Global, the Tribal: A Trialectical Approach to the Identity Question in Sports"

Eric Dunning (University of Leicester, U. K.),
"Nation-State Formation, Globalization, and the Development of Modern Sport"

Shun Inoue (Kyoto University, Japan),
"Sport and the Martial Arts in the Making of Modern Japan"